Home News & Blog #ForPalestine A Charity Esports Tournament

#ForPalestine A Charity Esports Tournament

May 15, 2024

Charity Esports Qatar Videogames

In a groundbreaking initiative to aid Palestine under the Qatar Charity campaign #ForPalestine, Showdown.me, in collaboration with Team Mana and Qatar Charity, proudly presents the second edition of its charity Esports tournament. Following the resounding success of their inaugural event, which supported victims of the Syria and Turkey earthquake, this tournament seeks to extend a helping hand to Gaza, demonstrating once again the power of gaming for good.

The tournament, scheduled to run throughout the month of May, features a lineup of popular games, inviting gamers of all stripes to participate in this cause. Every Saturday, players and spectators alike will unite for a day of competitive fun and charity. Kicking off with the iconic Super Smash Bros, the event will then showcase EA FC, followed by Valorant and the highly anticipated Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

Hatem Salah, Co-founder and Community Chief Officer of Showdown.me, emphasises the importance of leveraging gaming prowess for positive change. “We need to keep encouraging people to seek out new ways to help out,” Salah asserts. “Gamers can employ their talents and skills for a good cause.”

Indeed, the essence of this tournament lies in its inclusivity. It sends a powerful message to the world: everyone, regardless of background or interests, can make a difference. Whether through mastering a game or extending a helping hand, each individual has the capacity to contribute to meaningful change.

“Everyone can help!” Salah said. “I understand that you might be feeling helpless, but you absolutely can make a change. Use your knowledge, skills, or talents. Trust me, there’s always a way to make a difference.”

Showdown.me and Team Mana announced the Charity Esports event in Partnership with Qatar Charity with donation dedicated to #forPalestine

With 100% of donations directed to Gaza through Qatar Charity, participants and supporters can rest assured that their contributions will directly impact those in need. As the global gaming community unites under the banner of charity, this tournament serves as a beacon of hope and solidarity for Palestine.

Join us on this extraordinary journey as we prove that, indeed, even gamers unite together for a good cause. Together, let’s game for Gaza and make a difference one pixel at a time.